Kapan Pembayaran Peoplestring ?
Peoplestring akan melakukan pembayaran kepada free member tanggal 1 setiap bulannya.
Peoplestring akan melakukan pembayaran kepada entrepreneur member tanggal 1 & 16
Dengan syarat minimal payout adalah lifetime earning 25 $, 1 hari sebelum tanggal 1 atau 16.
Pastikan anda telah memasukkan rekening alertpay anda dan mengisi tax information dengan benar
Cara mengisi Tax Information
Untuk anda yang mengisi alamat peoplestring dengan USA & Canada
lihat di sini (belum jadi)
Untuk anda yang mengisi alamat peoplestring dengan Indonesia
lihat di sini (belum jadi)
Dollar akan dikirimkan ke rekening alertpay anda 10 hari kerja, setelah anda menerima email berikut:
Dear Members,
Congratulations on your Success. You should now see that
a Payment has been listed in your Transaction Section. To receive
your payment you have several options.
You may setup an AlertPay Account at
Then login to PeopleString.com, click on Tools, then
Settings, Then MailBox Cash Box and enter your AlertPay Email
Address and select the AlertPay Option to Receive your Payment
You can Select ACH payments (Direct Deposit)- US Banks Only - and enter either your Checking or Savings account numbers.
Next go to the Tax information Setting and and fill out either a w-9 or w-8 form.
If you complete these steps by Monday, your payments
will be sent in approximately 7-10 days from today. If you have any
questions, please let me know.
Adam Kotkin
Chief Operating Officer
Take Action, Go Go Peoplestring
Salam sukses Stringer Indonesia.