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«  January 2011  »
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  • Main » 2011 » January » 14 » information about why we are using Peoplestring as our Home Page
    6:15 PM
    information about why we are using Peoplestring as our Home Page

    You log on to the Internet EVERY DAY. You have to have a starting point or Home Page (Social Portal). Why not use a Social Portal which has the potential to create a substantial income for you in the years to follow?

    EVERY DAY every single Internet marketer logs on and goes about his/her daily business online.  Each person starts their day from their Home Page or Social Portal to the Internet.  Why not use a Social Portal which will pay you?  This just makes perfect sense! How about using a Social Portal where you can organize all your favorites on to one page?  Doesn't that sound great?  No more bookmarking, just had them to your Social Portal and they are there at your fingertips as soon as you log on.  This can all be accomplished from one Home Page or Social Portal, Peoplestring.

    Now before you stop reading, please hear me out. You will not, I repeat, you will not make a lot of money on your own individual efforts by using Peoplestring as your Social Portal to the Internet.  But, think about this: You log on every day - Nothing changes.  You go about your  business - Nothing changes.

    Why then would you want to change your Home Page? Because by logging on, you will generate advertising revenue for Peoplestring.  They, in turn, are going to share this ad revenue with the active users. (If you log in, you are active.)  I repeat, you will not make a lot of money on your own individual efforts.  As a matter of fact, you will make a minuscule amount of money.  But, if you will tell others about Peoplestring, there is the capability to build a nice residual income from this company. This is called NETWORKING. You tell a few people, who tell a few people, and so on......Peoplestring pays 6 levels deep.

    Any member who logs on to Peoplestring daily and uses Peoplestring as their home page will easily generate $1 of income monthly.  Not very exciting is it?  Remember I said you would make a minuscule amount on your efforts.  But, use the power of duplication and watch how your income will grow.


    Let's work some numbers so I can prove my point to you. For the sake of this example:  We are going to get 6 personal referrals who get 6.  Then we teach them to duplicate our methods. Peoplestring pays 6 levels deep. 
    As a FREE member: you receive 10% on your personal referrals income and 3% from your referrals on levels 2 through 6. 
    And, for the sake of this example:  Each person is going to make $1 per month on their own individual efforts. 
    Got It? Okay, now let's look at the potential of these tiny numbers.............

    LEVEL          #ofPeople        INCOME         %             TOTAL
    You                    1                $1.00              100%          $1.00
    1                        6                 $6.00              10%           $.60
    2                        36               $36.00            3%             $1.08
    3                        216             $216.00          3%             $6.48
    4                        1296           $1296.00        3%             $38.88
    5                        7776           $7,776.00       3%             $233.28
    6                        46656         $46,656.00     3%             $1399.68

    Your total Monthly Residual Income from training your 6 referrals to make $1 per month and duplicate your system is $1,681.00

    This is over $1500 per month of residual income from a FREE Home Page or Social Portal to the Internet!

    If I told you it will take you 24 - 36 months to get to this level, would you be interested? If your answer is yes, then I want you to be one of my 6 personal referrals who will duplicate this simple system. Join Here Now!

    My main point to this whole article is this:

    You log on to the Internet EVERY DAY.

    You have to have a starting point or Home Page (Social Portal).

    Why not use a Social Portal which has the potential to create a substantial income for you in the years to follow?

    Category: Peoplestring | Views: 1272 | Added by: mecha | Tags: peoplestring revenue, make peoplestring as your homepage, referal income | Rating: 0.0/0
    Total comments: 2
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